26 September 2014 marks the start of our trip to Berkelah Falls as POOT (Pumpfest & FOOT)! It was our first overseas trip together, and also not to mention, a great way to kick start our recess week. This trip took place from the 26th to the 28th (3D2N), and many memories and bonds were forged and strengthened.
But of course, that's not all.... many many many pictures were taken (the selfie game was strong!). So if you're terribly bored and incredibly thrilled to see the faces of pumpfest's chiobus' and yandaos', you are in the right place! Hahahaha :)
SOOOooo...let us begin:
DAY 1:26/9/2014
Dinner time! (But first, let us take a wefie)
We then headed to woodlands checkpoint's Sheng Siong to stock up on food that would be needed for our breakfast, mobile lunch and dinner.
Not to forget supper! Of which, TANG YUAN was the highlight WHOOHOO!
Featuring the proggies of pumpfest XVIII! P for proggies~
Not to forget of course, the pumpfest seniors :)
The mandatory pumpfest group photo before we move off to the bus terminal!
Look at our fresh faces, so blemish free~
Wefie game going even stronger
Si Min & Took Kee!
Presenting the tall, bespectacled and htht-lovers <3
SNACKS CHECK! All prepared for the long ride later~
Roti boy was closed at that time (awww...) so we went to get snacks from nearby convenience stores.
Not to forget, of course, the magnum legacy....cos they were sold so cheaply there O:

Last selfies as Pumpfest and FOOT before we board the bus.
DAY 2: 27/9/2014
After a long 8 hours bus ride, we finally reached our breakfast destination, where we nourished ourselves with prata-y goodness in preparation for the long trek ahead.
Preparing our mobile lunches!
On the menu: Sandwiches with assorted fillings
(peanut butter.tuna.spicy tuna.nutella)
All ready and set to conquer this trek!
We reached our first pitch stop at a smaller waterfall that was along the waterfall trek.
Mehh...looking at our size, this waterfall doesn't seem that small afterall.
Awww...exclusive photo of JianHui and Shimin~
Afterwards, we continued our trek towards the proposed camping site, moving over rough terrains and steep slopes D:
But that didn't deter us from taking anymore pictures hurhur~
YAY! Berkelah falls! We made it, and gee, its size is just like WOW.
Makes the previous one seem so tiny in comparison.
P for pumpfest~
Panaromaaaaa shot~
Ching Yi (Bob!) jumping into the lake O:
Afterwards, we headed back to our campsite to prepare for dinner!
Featuring the cooks of the night~ #domesticgoddesses
Such chopping skills (x_x)
Outdoor cooking is taken to a higher level at ODAC! Popcorn chicken for dinz!
(Adjusting shutter speed to do light drawing!)
Stargazing! The sight was pretty amazing at that moment, and this shot was taken using long exposure #likkapro
Today's our last day here, sobs*
FT. LOGS, Kai Yuan, Ekkiat, Weng Lum, Aidan (they want YOU!)
Ft. Guan Ri! (#likkalegitalbumpic O:)
Ft. PROGGIES! (Ching Yi, Jun Hui, Adeline)
Ft PUBS (Janice, Liying, Kok Wai, Tiffanie)
|Group photo|| P.....|| ODAC Pose|
Okay, that basically sums up our subcommittee trip! It was 3 days, 72 hours, 4320 minutes...but mehh, all that time just flew by so quickly. Can't wait for more exciting times to come :D
Thanks for reading! Have a good day~
Disclaimer: These are just some photos from the 900 plus photos we took...so for more pretty/handsome faces, you can visit our Pumpfest XVIII goes to Berkelah!! album :>
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